ISIS Applications

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Some of the Original F100 Wiring

Hi guys,

Here is an update on our rewiring project for the truck. Last week, I removed all the old wiring and many of the switches. It was a lot more work than it sounds like. There were many instances of wires that when to completely different areas of the truck being harnassed together.

Also, several wires were tied to the chassis with other wire or wrapped around the chassis several times. This is deifintely a safety hazard. We will replace all of this with zip-ties and bolted clasps. Also, most of the wire was run under the hood or underneath the chassis with no protection and showed significant signs of wear. Make sure to protect your electrical system. A few extra minutes now could significantly increase the life of your system.

Here are a couple pictures of some insanely complicated and over-loaded switches for the headlights/turnsignals and ignition switch which ISIS will very efficiently replace:

To see more F100 pictures, please visit our facebook page, ISIS Power.

Oh and one last picture. Here is ISIS compared to the old wiring system:

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